
Comisia Junction opinie

–Comisia Junction–CJ.com
Cine sunt ei: Comisia Junction gestionează relații de publicitate online între mai mult 3000 comercianții cu amănuntul de calitate și zeci de mii de afiliații. Unii dintre comercianții cu amănuntul puteți câștiga comision de la includ: magazine de bijuterii, cărți, alimente, jocuri, calculatoare,
muzică, flori, și chiar hărți! Aceasta este doar o bucatica. Există mii de potential partners for affiliates to choose from!

How does it work?:

You may use banners, buttons, text links, and product links, which link to a particular website. Commission Junction tracks and reports the online transactions, and manages the accounts. You may sign up with CJ for FREE and act as independent, online salespeople. You choose whichever merchants will interest your visitors, place the links in and around your site content, and receive commissions for the sales, and leads generated from their site.

How much can i make?:

The amount an affiliate can make depends on the quality of one’s site, and the traffic one’s site is already (or expecting) to receive. The commisions each merchant is willing to pay varies. You have over 250 merchants to choose from, so pick one that best meets the needs of your visitors. For example, if your sell website sells strictly books, it might be a good idea to have a banner on your site linking to one of Commission Junction’s merchants that sell strictly magazines.

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